Article Archive

Article archive

Turmeric fights diabetes

Turmeric, an Asian spice found in many curries, has a long history of use in reducing inflammation, healing wounds and relieving pain, but can it prevent diabetes?

Grief tied to pleasure in brain

Scientists at UCLA suggest that such long-term or "complicated" grief activates neurons in the reward centres of the brain, possibly giving these memories addiction-like properties.

Proof selfish gene exists

A new discovery by a scientist from The University of Western Ontario provides conclusive evidence supporting decades-old evolutionary doctrines.

Stopping flagella movement

A new paper describes, for the first time, how the flagellum's rotations are stopped so that bacteria stop moving.

Possible antibiotic?

A small molecule that locks an essential enzyme in an inactive form could one day form the basis of a new class of unbeatable, species-specific antibiotics.

Image of the Day: Cardiomyocytes

These stem cells, located in the surface of the heart, or epicardium, advance the hope of being able to regenerate injured heart tissue.

Scientist Spotlight: Seth Grant

Even today, the brain remains a mystery. Dr. Seth Grant, a researcher at the Wellcome Trust Sanger Institute, has been studying the links between human cognition and the brain. Scientist Live spoke with him about his work.

Crawling the Web

Everyday, Scientist Live turns its eyes to the Web around it and highlights news and research across the Internet. Today's news: neuroprotective Wallerian Degeneration Slow mutations.

New CC-Pilot controller

The new Huber CC-Pilot controller sets a new benchmark for easy-to-use, flexible control of the world's favourite thermostat bath range.

Aid for ALS patients

A study has shown that transplants of mononuclear human umbilical cord blood (MNChUCB) cells may help patients suffering from Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis, also known as Lou Gehrig's disease.

Laser surgery probe

A researcher has developed a laser "microscalpel" that destroys a single cell while leaving nearby cells intact, which could improve the precision of surgeries for cancer, epilepsy and other diseases.

Nature's West Nile check

A recent study indicates that areas which have greater avian biodiversity show much lower incidences of West Nile virus infection in the human population.

Hard X-ray Nanoprobe

The Center for Nanoscale Materials' newly operational Hard X-ray Nanoprobe at the U.S. Department of Energy's Argonne National Laboratory is one of the world's most powerful x-ray microscopes.

Protein loss and dementia

Researchers have discovered that a protein that suppresses cell division in brain cells effectively "puts the brakes" on the dementia that comes with Alzheimer's disease.

How Ritalin boosts cognition

Stimulant medications such as Ritalin have been prescribed for decades to treat attention deficit hyperactivity disorder, and their popularity as "cognition enhancers" has recently surged among the healthy.

Smart neural implants

Researchers have taken the concept of brain-machine interfaces a step further, devising a way for computerised devices not only to translate brain signals into movement but also to evolve with the brain as it learns.

Killing food-borne pathogens

A new antimicrobial wash rapidly kills Salmonella and E. coli O157:H7 on foods ranging from fragile lettuce to tomatoes, fruits, poultry products and meats.

Image of the Day: Salmonella infantis

Salmonella infantis can establish localised infections such as septic arthritis or more general infections such as Salmonellosis. Take a closer look at the bacteria using scanning electron micrography.

New Chromatography Software

Thermo Fisher Scientific Inc., the world leader in serving science, has introduced new ChromQuest 5.0 Chromatography Data System (CDS) software.

AirProtekt Flourine removal

A major UK major manufacturing has selected AirProtekt, the Cambridge based air pollution specialist, to remove Fluorine contaminants from its textile processing facility.


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