Article Archive

Article archive

Microbes to the rescue

Scientist believe microorganisms' ability to grow from an almost infinite number of food sources may hold the key to solving society's current energy crisis.

Controlling natural killer cells

Recent research shows that a single protein controls the key functions of natural killer cells and allows them to pursue their targets.

Food and the brain

A balanced diet does more than protect us from heart disease, cancer, and other physical ailments. It also keeps the brain in good shape, warding off mental disorders.

Controlling nanocluster formation

Researchers have developed a new instrument that allows them to control the size of nanoclusters - groups of 10 to 100 atoms - with atomic precision.

Ebola protein discovery

Recent research reveals the shape of the Ebola virus spike protein, which is necessary for viral entry into human cells, bound to an immune system antibody acting to neutralise the virus.

Crawling the Web: Dengue Fever

Everyday, Scientist Live turns its eyes to the Web around it and highlights news and research across the Internet. Today we look take an extended look at Dengue Fever.

What's behind tremors

A group of scientists have succeeded in demonstrating the mechanisms which cause the so-called tremor: neuron clusters in the depths of the brain drive the tremor.

Muscles in action

Researchers are now able to look at tiny fibres of working muscles in live humans, with minimum discomfort to the patient-a development patients are sure to welcome.

Early universe viewed

A newly developed nano-sized electronic device is an important step toward helping astronomers see invisible light dating from the creation of the universe.

Magnolia drug compound

The compound honokiol, commonly found in Japanese and Chinese medicines, has been found to inhibit tumour growth by blocking pathways in cancers previously considered undruggable.

Genetic packaging patterns

A team of researchers identified 39 histone modifications, including a "core set" of 17 modifications that tended to occur together and were associated with genes observed to be active.

Chemical wash targets Salmonella

Reducing bacterial contamination in food products poses many problems for the food industry. Scientist Live spoke with with scientist who might have solved a conundrum that has baffled many.

Deciphering gold nanoclusters

Researchers have described the principles behind the stability and electronic properties of gold nanoclusters, confirming the divide and protect bonding structure.

Exhausted B cells fail to fight HIV

Individuals who had high levels of HIV in their blood had lots of B cells, but they failed to replicate normally or to produce high-quality antibodies.

Tweaking quantum forces

Physicists have discovered that the Casmir force can be reduced by altering the surface of metal plates, a discovery that could prove useful as microelectrochemical systems.

Children's food's empty benefits

Nine out of ten regular food items aimed specifically at children have a poor nutritional content - because of high levels of sugar, fat or sodium - according to a detailed study of 367 products.

Cellular decision on the computer

Scientists have simulated how cells decide whether or not to migrate and were able to predict the molecular targets within a cell that needs to be targeted for the process to occur.

Cleaner hydrogen generation

Utilising the entire spectrum of the sun's energy, water, and nanotube diodes, scientists have produced a in inexpensive and green hydrogen.

Tumour-inhibiting protein

A tumour-inhibiting protein called angiocidin may play a role in a new leukaemia treatment, according to Temple University researchers.

Stomach bug protection for kids

H. pylori, a long-time microbial inhabitant of the human stomach, may protect children from developing asthma, according to a new study among more than 7,000 subjects.


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