Article Archive

Article archive

The 21st century tomato

The revolution in genomics has made it possible to study the numerous pathways and regulatory networks-systems--that operate to produce a desirable fruit.

Evolution of fruit size in tomato

Domesticated tomatoes can be up to 1000 times larger than their wild relatives. How did they get so big?

Crawling the Web: Epidemic monitoring

Everyday, Scientist Live turns its eyes to the Web around it and highlights news and research across the Internet. Tuesday's spotlight studies offer new findings in epidemic monitoring.

Novel approach to Leishmaniasis

Dr. Silvia Uliana and her colleagues found that Tamoxifen, a drug used to fight breast cancer, offers effective treatment of Leishmaniasis at decidedly less physical cost to the patient.

Very small, very clear

At the core of TIGA, an imaging robot scans the tissue slices and displays them on the monitor for researchers at ultra high resolution and in various planes.

Not so good weekends

Recent research suggests that while we may enjoy weekends, they prove detrimental to weight loss regiments. Saturdays are the worst.

Finding soil water

Researchers investigate the potential of an innovative soil water simulation model to improve crop management.

Pesticides Persist in Ground Water

Numerous studies over the past four decades have established that pesticides can move downward through the unsaturated zone to reach the water table at detectable concentrations.

Smokers prone to back pain

As if lung cancer, shortness of breath, bad breath, bad teeth, and infertility aren't enough, researchers add back pain to smoking's lengthy list of side effects.

Topsy-turvey world of physics

Researchers at Delft University of Technology in The Netherlands have developed a technique for generating atom clusters made from silver and other metals.

Caffeine after exercise benefits

Recipe to recover more quickly from exercise: Finish workout, eat pasta, and wash down with five or six cups of strong coffee.

Hallucinogens persist

In a follow-up to research showing that psilocybin produces substantial spiritual effects, a Johns Hopkins team reports that those beneficial effects appear to last more than a year.

The greening of ethanol

Researchers are exploring dried distillers grains with solubles as a means of deterring weed growth on potted ornamentals.

Synthetic enzymes a reality

Chemists have been able to design synthetic molecules able to mimic the activity of naturally occurring enzymes - a significant advance.

Quantum dots penetrate skin

Researchers have found that quantum dot nanoparticles can penetrate the skin if there is an abrasion, providing insight into potential workplace concerns.

Analysing the body's metabolism

Scientists have shown that biological indicators for diseases caused or influenced by environmental factors can be detected by the systemic analysis of the body's metabolism.

Transient binding proteins

Most of the functions performed by a cell are the result of interactions between proteins, which recognise their binding partner by affinity features localised on the protein surface.

Footrot vaccine close

Monash University scientists have started clinical trials to find a successful vaccine against footrot in sheep that will span three years.

Have sex to avoid problems

A recent study indicates that men who have intercourse more often are less likely to develop erectile dysfunction.

Crawling the Web: Morbidity/Mortality

Everyday, Scientist Live turns its eyes to the Web around it and highlights news and research across the Internet. Today we look take an extended look at morbidity and mortality.


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