Article Archive

Article archive

The untrained eye

College-age men confuse friendly non-verbal cues with cues for sexual interest because the men have a less discerning eye than women - but their female peers aren't far behind.

The truth about sex

Satisfactory sexual intercourse for couples lasts from 3 to 13 minutes, contrary to popular fantasy about the need for hours of sexual activity.

Vive the vole!

Portable and accurate body composition measurements mean a longer life for rodents used in field and laboratory research.

Feed that cold!

Researchers studying deer mice have discovered evidence to support what mothers everywhere have long suspected: the immune system needs food to function properly.

Early-onset obesity

A history of early-onset paternal obesity increases the odds of elevated liver enzyme levels in offspring and points to a genetic link.

Smear campaign

There is a new tool in the arsenal to fight multidrug-resistant tuberculosis: a rapid diagnostic test that can function in high-burden settings such as public health clinics.

Better and faster

A diagnostic kit shows new promise for distinguishing between tuberculosis and its infections from disease caused by related mycobacteria family.

Chemotherapy-induced anaemia

Patients with breast cancer who developed anaemia during chemotherapy had nearly three times the risk of local recurrence as those who did not.

Sleep and weight gain

Both short and long sleeping times predict an increased risk of future body weight and fat gain in adults, according to a recent study.

Molecular evolution of influenza

Fujian Center for Disease Control & Prevention, China, reported the molecular evolution of influenza A (H3N2) viruses in Fujian Province, south of China during the period 1996-2004.

Anticancer nanoimpeller

Researchers have developed a novel type of nanomachine that can capture and store anticancer drugs inside tiny pores and release them into cancer cells in response to light.

Plant wars

Studies have shown that plants can sense attacks by pathogens and activate their defences. Recent research shows how.

Concerns with Biofuels

Unless principles and standards for production are developed and implemented, certain biofuels will cause severe environmental impacts and reduce biodiversity.

Promising new nanotechnology

Researchers have shown that a new nano-engineered gel inhibits the formation of scar tissue at the injury site and enables the severed spinal cord fibres to regenerate and grow.

Provoking sleepwalking

Sleepwalkers are advised to keep a regular bedtime to avoid unwanted evening strolls, according to research from the Université de Montréal.

Water benefits questioned

A recent look at what is known about the health effects of drinking water reveals that most supposed benefits are not backed by solid evidence.

Fungal multidrug resistance

Researchers have identified a mechanism controlling multidrug resistance in fungi and could help advance treatments for opportunistic fungal infections.

Stress response variability

Inherited variations in the amount of an innate anxiety-reducing molecule help explain why some people can withstand stress better than others.

Alcohol damages DNA

Reshaping of the DNA scaffolding that supports and controls the expression of genes in the brain may play a major role in the alcohol withdrawal symptoms.

Algae, hydrogen link

Scientists are working to chemically manipulate algae for production of the next generation of renewable fuels - hydrogen gas.


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