Article Archive

Article archive

Message system controls adult stem cells

British researchers have uncovered a messaging system that instructs ASCs to contribute to tissue repair in response to chemical signals in the body.

Microscaffolding therapy to treat stroke damage

Scientists are developing cell-scaffold combinations that could be injected into the brain to provide a framework inside the cavities caused by stroke.

Washing produce

Washing fresh fruits and vegetables before eating may reduce the risk of food poisoning and those awful episodes of vomiting and diarrhoea. But it may not be enough.

Detecting prostate cancer with MRI

The use of MRI without endorectal coil can detect prostate cancer and provide undistorted images with diagnostic image quality and accurate tumour localisation.

Blood supply to medial and lateral breast tumours

The use of MRI is effective in differentiating the blood supply to medial and lateral breast tumours, which is important in treatment planning and prognosis.

Colds and ear infection

A new five-year study confirms the suspected close link between the two most common diseases of young children: colds and ear infections.

Artificial butter harmful

A new study shows that exposure to a chemical called diacetyl, a component of artificial butter flavouring, can be harmful to the nose and airways of mice.

Ibuprofen negates aspirin

Stroke patients who use ibuprofen for arthritis pain or other conditions undermine aspirin's ability to act as an anti-platelet agent.

Faecal blood loss with aspirin

Faecal blood loss has been measured using autologous erythrocytes labelled with radioactive chromium for several decades, using generally similar methods.

Atherosclerosis protection

Scientists have identified the genes that bring about the reduction of "bad cholesterol" in the blood.

ADHD and eating disorders

Girls with ADHD stand a substantially greater risk of developing eating disorders in adolescence than girls without it.

Soy offers cancer protection

A compound found in soybeans almost completely prevented the spread of human prostate cancer in mice, according to a recent study.

Pain linked to learning

For the first time, a research team has linked pain receptors found throughout the nervous system to learning and memory in the brain.

Microbial profiles of ecosystems

A new study provides the first inventories of microbial capabilities in nine very different types of ecosystems, ranging from coral reefs to deep mines.

Emerging disease hotstops

Scientists say the next major disease could occur in any of a number of developing countries concentrated along the equator.

New haemoglobin type

Scientists at the University of Bonn have discovered a new rare type of haemoglobin distorts the level of oxygen measured.

Origin of sex chromosomes

There are great similarities between the parts of DNA that determine the sex of plants and animals and the parts of DNA that determine mating types in certain fungi.

Does touch affect flavor?

A recent study found that the firmness of a cup seems to have an impact on consumer evaluations of the beverage contained inside.

Unconventional counselling

In an effort to broaden accessibility to genetic counselling, researchers are exploring non-conventional counselling methods that challenge traditional approaches.

New patent system

Biotechnology discoveries are at risk of being unduly hindered or taken hostage by private corporations unless patent systems are brought into the 21st century.


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