Article Archive

Article archive

Vitamin reduces infant mortality

Recent research suggests administering a dose of vitamin A to newborn infants can reduce infant mortality by as much as 15 per cent.

PTSD linked to early death

Patients suffering from severe post-traumatic stress disorder showed a likelihood of early death from heart disease.

Solving the biofuel problem

Traditional methods of generating enzymes for biofuel production currently operate at over five times the target cost required to make the fuels financially competitive.

Revising RNA regulation targets

Research indicates that, contrary to established theories of replication, RNA can interact with promoter regions preceding the coding regions of genes.

Acoustic waves in nanostructures

The highest frequency acoustic waves in materials, with nearly atomic-scale wavelengths, promise to be useful probes of nanostructures such as LED lights.

Crawling the Web: HIV and RNAi

Everyday, Scientist Live turns its eyes to the Web around it and highlights news and research across the Internet. Today we look take an extended look at HIV replication and RNA-interference.

Turning to a tomato cure

Scientists are exploring whether tomatoes can be utilised as suitable carriers for oral vaccinations against Alzheimer's disease. Do their findings show promise? Can the tomato make a difference?

Pocket-sized MRI

Scientists have developed a small portable MRI scanner that performs its services in the field: for instance to examine ice cores.

Some fish may be harmful

Not all fish are created equal, nor are they all equally good for you. Recent research indicates that tilapia, a widely eaten white fish, may actually be bad for you.

Select sperm carefully

Intracytoplasmic sperm injection (ICSI), where a single sperm is injected into an egg to fertilise it, is increasingly used to help infertile men father children.

Food diary aids dieting

A recent study found that maintaining a food diary greatly aids dieting and can double the amount of weight a person loses in the process.

Sea toxin damages DNA

Aerosol sprays from red tides have been shown to possess algal toxins that attacks and damages DNA in the lungs when the body tries to dispose of the poison.

Sex-based kidneys

According to a recently published study, successful kidney transplants may hinge on linking the sex of the donor and recipient.

Pneumococcal infection in Norway

The administration of a pneumococcal vaccine to young children in Norway has significantly decreased the occurrence of serious pneumococcal infections.

ARV choices explored

A recent study analysed the results of a trial that explored whether tenofovir absorption and adherence is more effective in pill form or as a vaginal gel.

Diabetes harms male fertility

Contrary to prevailing theories, recent research indicates that diabetes in men directly affects fertility with excess sugars harming sperm quality.

Malaria proteins discovered

Scientists have identified a key mechanism that enables malaria-infected red blood cells to stick to the walls of blood vessels and avoid being destroyed by the body's immune system.

Follow that bug!

Brightly coloured beetles or butterfly larvae nibbling on a plant may signal the presence of chemical compounds active against cancer cell lines and tropical parasitic diseases.

Friendly salmonella

Scientists have made major strides in developing a biologically engineered form of Salmonella that effectively delivers antigens in the body.

Supplementing cancer vaccines

Utilising hormone therapy in combination with traditional prostate cancer vaccine treatment the improved overall survival rate compared with either treatment alone.


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