New refractometer product announced

ESSLAB has announced the launch of the new PAL-22S honey refractometer from Atago.

Honey comprises of a mixture of sugars including glucose (31%), Fructose (38.2%) and 10% of other sugars (including Sucrose, Maltose & Melezitose); and in addition has an optimum water content of 17.1%.  

The hive temperature is normally around 35°C and with ventilation generated by fanning bees moisture content is reduced to 20% before sealing of the cells with wax capping. 

If water content is not sustained below 19% fermentation occurs and will spoil the normally stable product through contamination with airborne yeasts. 

The PAL-22S is an easy-to-use compact digital refractometer that will confirm moisture content with a single drop of sample, compensating for temperature, and giving users confidence of producing a stable quality product.

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