Lab imaging systems

There is an Odyssey Imager to fit the needs of any life science lab. All Odyssey Imagers offer the accuracy and linearity of quantitative, reproducible infrared Western blots, high sensitivity, wide linear dynamic range. Users will never need to use film again - or wait in line for the darkroom!

Choose the best Odyssey Imaging System for your lab's needs: Odyssey CLx Infrared Imaging System - the most versatile of all the Odyssey systems, the CLx supports the broadest range of applications and has a large scannin surface area. Odyssey Sa Infrared Imaging System - the economical infrared imaging system for any lab, the Sa also offers plate-based assay automation options and an optional barcode reader accessory. Odyssey Fc Dual-Mode Imaging System - a chemiluminescent near-infrared fluorescent imaging system primarily for Western blots, the Fc also has a 600nm channel for ethidium bromide-stained DNA gel imaging.


LI-COR Odyssey Family of Imaging Systems - Choose Just the Right One for Your Lab!