Fast and flexible capillary electrophoresis

Organic acids and anions are essential molecules in environmental and biological processes. Their determination is important for the food, pharmaceutical and other industries for quality control as well as for research purposes.

There are currently many methods used for their determination: ion chromatography, gas chromatography and HPLC. Capillary electrophoresis (CE) methods have also been developed and are used as the primary as well as the complementary method.

Presearch has now launched CElixirOA, which are self-contained, ready-to-use kits for organic acids and anion analysis.

These kits employ reverse polarity due to the negative charges of the analytes and treat the capillary so that the EOF is in the opposite direction.

Using the dynamic coating system of CElixirOA, this new product provides extremely good CV and RSD. There is no need for preparation of run buffers or adding in chromophores for indirect detection, these are all included in the solutions.

The CElixirOA is fast, flexible and inexpensive and require no extensive sample preparation.

Presearch has also launched the Evolution 200 Nano LC Workstation, designed for ultra high performance and flows down to 1µl/min.

The unit can also be set up to provide Nano LC flows using a Precolumn split.

For more information, visit

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