Decode the world of oligos

Integrated DNA Technologies (IDT), a leader in oligonucleotide synthesis, has recently launched its quarterly newsletter: Decoded.

Structured in an educational format, the newsletter features regular sections such as ‘your research’, where readers can learn about research applications and findings.

With additional sections dedicated to explaining fundamental scientific principles, tips and ideas to streamline your research, as well as a light hearted science-humour feature, the newsletter provides something for everyone.  In addition, ‘Ask Alex’ enables readers to submit their questions and get them answered by one of IDT’s experts.
Each issue also features the latest products and technology from IDT, while listing its tradeshow/symposium schedule so that you can catch-up with the team, wherever you may be. Get a free, ongoing print or email subscription to IDT’s Decoded newsletter by registering online at
For more information, visit

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