Scaffolds created for 2D and 3D cell cultures

Biotechnology company Amsbio has launched mCollaFibR a highly consistent collagen fiber matrix that closely mimics the biomechanical and biochemical properties of natural collagen scaffolds, offering a highly accurate representation of in-vivo conditions.

These innovative collagen fibers are seamlessly produced on a commercial scale using an automated manufacturing process, catering to a variety of applications in 3D cell culture and tissue engineering.

Offered as a user friendly 12-well plate insert, the scaffolds are help create physiologically relevant environments for 2D and 3D cell culture applications by inducing cellular alignment, migration, and elongation.

Amsbio can also offer custom scaffolds tailored to meet specific needs, as our automated manufacturing process allows us to control the thicknesses, porosities, and alignment of our scaffolds with a high batch-to-batch consistency and higher cell viability.

Available with a fluorescent tag, the scaffolds are fully compatible with brightfield, epifluorescence, confocal and live cell microscopy. Supplied UV sterilized and ready-to-use, CollaFibR™ scaffolds are degradable with collagenase enabling quick and easy cell extraction.

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