Latest autofocus for biological imaging

Prior Scientific has launched its new PureFocus 850, an innovative autofocus for biological and industrial imaging. The PureFocus 850 is a fast, precise and accurate focusing system that has been design to fit both upright and inverted microscopes using infinity corrected optics.
Easy to use and quick to set up the new system will provide the end user with a real-time focus for a range of sample types. This then saves the user time hunting around for focus and keeping focus on the sample, so it doesn’t drift. It can reliably focus on slides, well plates, chamber slides and Petri dishes while maintaining clear images for long term studies.
The PureFocus 850 also works on samples with reflective surfaces including metallurgical, semiconductors, LCDs and other samples with multiple reflective layers. It is also an ideal system for high-speed slide scanning.
A stand-alone system with no PC required during operation of the device, it is fully controllable via keyboard option, and further optional PC control can be made via USB. All of Prior’s existing products are fully compatible with the PureFocus 850 allowing users to create a fully automated multi-axis system. The system has an option of using the PureFocus control pad with digipot, display and buttons, allowing all basic functionality without the need for a host PC. 

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