Scalability for human whole-genome sequencing

GenoLogics has announced the availability of Clarity LIMS X, an edition of its laboratory informatics platform. Optimised for use with Illumina SeqLab, the X Edition of Clarity LIMS provides positive sample tracking, maximises quality and throughput, and improves turnaround time in population-scale genomics workflows.

The 2014 launch of the HiSeq X systems enabled labs to break the US$1,000 barrier for human whole-genome sequencing. Labs are now addressing how to scale to groundbreaking throughput while maintaining a focus on quality and accuracy. The X Edition provides rapid scaling with automation and business logic built into preconfigured HiSeq X Series workflows. Samples advance through the pipeline automatically, minimising human interaction and the potential for error while enforcing quality standards. The X Edition of Clarity LIMS was designed based upon best practices from Genomics England Lab (GEL) and the Illumina FastTrack Services Lab, and is currently in use in both labs.

Clarity LIMS X Edition also provides e-signature, audit trails, and patient data security, making it suitable for regulated environments. According to Illumina Director of Scientific Research, Ryan Taft, “Clarity LIMS X closes the gap in providing a commercially available LIMS that includes out of the box instrument integration and positive sample tracking.”

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