New extraction disks

Biotage has launched the Atlantic ReadyDisk product family - solid phase extraction (SPE) disks, pre-assembled into single-use holders, for extracting semi-volatile organic compounds from aqueous samples.

Single-use disk holders have become more popular for high throughput laboratories as they eliminate the time required to clean disk holders between extractions. Atlantic ReadyDisks consist of SPE disks, which are pre-assembled into disposable polypropylene holders and hence ready to use straight out of the box. They are compatible with both automatic and manual extraction systems, including those produced by Biotage.

The new format enables relatively high flow rates without solution breakthrough or disk clogging. They are designed to maximise surface area interaction with the analytes in the solution, while providing suitable filtration capability. Atlantic ReadyDisks are intended for use in processing drinking water and groundwater samples, which have relatively low particulate levels, in a wide range of volumes - including large, litre-sized samples.

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