Analyser for wide ranging sample types

The Model 440 Elemental Analyzer from Exeter Analytical Inc is capable of precisely analysing the widest range of sample types - quickly, easily and reliably.

The Model 440 offers a wide linear range and is capable of routinely analysing almost any sample type including organic compounds, pharmaceuticals, petrochemicals, polymers, refractory, environmental or natural materials (soil, plants or insects). Its horizontal furnace design, allowing for removal of residues between runs, prevents cross contamination and allows for a greater number of samples between combustion column changes. Employing a unique combined static / dynamic combustion technology enables the Model 440 to precisely analyze the widest range of sample types from volatile to difficult to combust materials including nitrides, graphite fibres, ceramics and even carbides with melting points of over 2000°C.

Offering unmatched operating accuracy and precision, the fully automated Model 440 delivers simultaneous CHN analysis in less than 5 minutes and Oxygen and Sulphur in only six minutes - increasing the productivity of your laboratory.
Low gas and reagent consumption combined with high reduction tube life allows the Model 440 to deliver some of the lowest operating costs of any CHN/O/S elemental analyser available. Intuitive Windows based operating software reduces human errors through incorporation of extensive automation, comprehensive customer help and diagnostic facilities.  Most parts on the Model 440 are user replaceable further reducing operating costs and downtime.

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