Lab equipment: Definitive guide to speciality gases

Linde Gases, a division of The Linde Group, today announced the publication of its authoritative text to speciality gases. The uniqueness of the offering lies in the fact that the hardback book not only covers the technical properties of 86 gases - from acetylene to xenon, but also provides an overview on usage and applications for each gas, as well as a brief guide to regulatory compliance and information on safety - all within a compact 190-page A5 format.

The book, which is set to retail at 45 euro, is available exclusively from Linde, but a limited number of complimentary copies are now available. As applications of gases are almost infinite, Linde is interested in continuously expanding its knowledge of how their HiQ® speciality gases are applied, and are also seeking application success stories from customers. New applications will be included in updated editions of the Linde Gases and Applications book. Both requests for a complimentary copy of the current edition and submission of gas application success stories can be made by visiting

"This is a comprehensive book covering not only the chemical structures of speciality gases, but unusually for a reference guide to gases, it also illustrates how they can be applied in a myriad of applications. Highly recommended", said Tony Boulton Ph.D, Head of Safety, University College London.

"With its innovative gases technologies, Linde plays a pioneering role in the global speciality gases market" says Stephen Harrison, Head of Speciality Gases and Equipment at Linde. "We are proud of our competence and production quality and our HiQ® brand represents Linde's commitment to the highest available global consistency across our speciality gases range. It is no surprise that we should deliver a speciality gases reference guide to assist our customers in as many applications as possible".

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