Automation: New Compact Automatic Presses

Carver, Inc. offers the new Auto Series automatic hydraulic laboratory presses, featuring the enhanced “NE” digital control system. Offering 15 to 30 tons of clamping force and 6" x 6" to 15" x 15" platens, these benchtop presses are used in quality control and research and development for test sample preparations, destructive testing, molding, laminating and fluid extraction.

The new “NE” controls feature full touch screen interface, proximity switch for adjustable slowdown position and all heat controlled through PLC and interface.  The “NE” controls can easily switch between degrees Fahrenheit and degrees Celsius and between pounds, kilograms, tons and metric tons. Auto reheat at the end of a cycle and automatic bump sequence can be programmed.

  • Proximity switch for adjustable slowdown position
  • Full touch screen interface
  • PLC and interface controls all heat
  • Degree setting for Fahrenheit and Celsius
  • Units of measure setting for lbs., Kg., U.S. tons and metric tons
  • Selection for auto reheat at end of cycle
  • Programmable automatic bump sequence in any of the 20 segments

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