Workflow system includes reagents and bioinformatics tools

Cambridge Epigenetix announces the launch of its TrueMethyl Whole Genome (TMWG) integrated workflow system for processing DNA samples.

The new system includes all-in-one reagents for sample conversion, library creation and indexing, combined with bioinformatic tools to enable accurate DNA modification analysis, designed to reduce experimental costs and improve the ease and accessibility of bisulfite sequencing for researchers.

The workflow has been specifically designed to allow the technology to be accessible to researchers studying DNA modifications through next generation sequencing methods.

The TMWG kit incorporates CEGX’s TrueMethyl oxidative bisulfite (oxBS) technology, which allows researchers to accurately quantify different DNA modifications at single-base resolution, and proprietary library preparation methods, which have been designed to overcome the limitations of traditional bisulfite library construction to improve the yield and quality of epigenetic data.

The bioinformatic tools comprise a series of scripts for QC analysis and biological analysis of the resultant sequencing data.

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